Names Meaning of Name Gender
Tesfay My hope Male
Haile Strength; Power of Male
Osman Tender youth Male
Kidane My Vow, My Covenant Male
Asmara "United" ( Eritrea's capital) Male
Asmarina "United" ( Eritrea's capital) Female
Awate Victory Male
Awet Victory F and M
Mebrahtu The Light Male
Selassie Trinity Male
Muhammed Praise (Prophet's name) Male
Sheshy Jubilation Male
Dawit Beloved Male
Abdullah Servant of God Male
Ali Noble Male
Sayid Lord, master Male
Fikru His Love Male
Saare Winner Male
Tekle To plant Male
Anbessa Lion ( in Tigrinya) Male
Hayat Lion (in Tigre) Male
Girma Majesty Male
Afwerki Mouth of Gold Male
Isaias Salvation of the Lord Male
Hagos Joy; Happiness Male
Amanuel God is with us Male
Adonay Secret name of God Male
Abraham Father of Multitude Male
Mewael Long Life Male
Yohannes God is Gracious Male
Omar Speaker Male
Aziz The all-powerful Male
Hamid Praise Male
Idris Fiery leader Male
Robel Prince Male
Sarah Princess female
Teodros Expensive Gift Male
Petros Rock Male
Semere Fulfill Male
Zula Brilliant M and F
Bisrat Good News M and F
Hyiab Gift Female
Fnan Pride Female
Luwam Peaceful/Calm F and M
Winta Need Female
Dahlak Gates of Hell (Eritrean island) Male
Massawa Shout Loudly (Eritrean City) Male
Selam Peace F and M
Mustafa Chosen Male
Aatifa Sympathy Female
Lemlem Lush greenery Female
Semhar Eritrean region F and M
Madihah Praiseworthy Female
Almaz Diamonds Female
Negassi King Male
Negisti Queen Female
Daniel God is my Judge Male
Samuel Asked of God Male
Nebay caretaker of elders Male
Mariam Beloved Female
Yonas Dove Male
Eden Delight; paradise Female
Demsas To Erase Male
Biniam Lucky son Male
Michael Who resembles God Male
Fiyori Flower Female
Yusef The lord will increase Male
Jamila Beautiful Female
Zahra White flower Female
Kedija Early Baby Female
Feaven Light Female
Roma Rome, Italy Female
Senait Good Luck Female
Helen Shining Light Female
Mehret Mercy Female
Semret Unity Female
Haben Pride Female
Sesuna Popcorn Female
Sophia God will show Female
Kifle To pay Male
Amina Trustful Female
Medhane Medicine Male
Medhanit Medicine Female
Goytiom Leader Male
Birikti Kind Female
Danait Judge Female
Makda High Tower Female
Rita Pearl Female
Ruta Friend Female
Rahel Female Sheep Female
Semira Highest Heaven Female
Fatimah Baby's Nurse Female
Eyob Patience Male
Berhane My light Male
Russom Top Leader Male
Rezene With Heavy Pride Male
Tesfalem Hope of Wise man Male
Shukornia Sweety; sugar Female
Gebre Servant of Male
Ermias God will uplift Male
Segen Ostrich Female
Merhawit Guidance Female
Nahom Comfort Male
Zewdi Crown Female
Arsema Clever Female
Aster Star Female
Freweini Seed of a berry Female
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